>Wow, that is some serious (metaphorical) penis envy right there.
Not worthy of comment
>The proof is in the pudding, and although it is conceivable it could all go belly up at some point, I think that’s hardly likely. His main issue is that Tesla can’t produce cars fast enough to meet demand.
Strawman. Article doesn’t argue against this. I assume you are alluding to the success of the company. Perhaps you want to look into the fact that they are not GAAP profitable. The more cars they have sold, the more they have lost. If such an operation was run (non-profit) without increasing income disparities and environmental degradation for the profits /gain of a small number of people, I would have no issues. But since you bring up the apparent success of the company, I am pointing it out. I have written about the institutional factors here, if you are interested: https://medium.com/@exiledconsensus/the-free-market-fraud-tech-innovation-and-alternatives-e2b3debdb139
>He’s landing fucking rockets back on a tiny patch of landing platform and other technical marvels which might have been in the works for 30 years or more but no-one else has been able to accomplish.
Nothing to do with Tesla. Though you might want to refresh your history, it is not a breakthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzXcTFfV3Ls Jury is still out on whether re-using landed rockets actually has benefits from a reliability-cost trade-off standpoint. Nevertheless, the SpaceX TEAM (engineers, scientists, ops, supply chain, software developers, controls, dynamics etc. etc.) have done a phenomenal job.
>The “innovations” from US car manufacturers have been creeping at a snails pace until he came along.
Please provide evidence and explain how you measure innovation
>I don’t care about the cult of personality. He’s no doubt an asshole, but I’m not planning to marry him and I’m guessing you aren’t either. In the meantime, I’m driving the most comfortable, reliable, fast, beautiful, functional, fun car I’ve ever had. This irrational hatred of someone for essentially showing up everyone around him is pathetic and lame.
So in essence, you don’t address a single point raised in the article. My intention is to use him as an example of a much deeper issue (see article I linked)— partly, the misuse of technologies for vanity projects and simplistic understanding of large projects, and how it is entire teams who build these wonderful cars you seem to enjoy — perhaps you’ve made my point better than I did, so thank you for that.